Special Events
Men's Breakfast
Men...join us for breakfast on the 2nd Friday of the month
at 7:30 a.m. at Hardee's on 2nd Street.
Best Year's Fellowship
BYF will meet on Thursday, September 19th at Noon.
Family Fun Day at Wagner Lake
Join us for our Family Fun Day at Wagner Lake
located at 23494 TR 42
on Sunday, September 15th at 4:00 p.m.
There will be games, hiking, swimming, and
devotion time around the campfire.
Fishing is available (Bring your own gear).
Our Rock Ministry Kids will be performing some skits.
Bring a lawn chair and covered dish to share.
Hope to see you for a good time of food, fun, and fellowship.
Sunday A.M. Worship Service
Watch our livestream at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays
on our YouTube channel.
Click on the link below.